Monday, June 20, 2011

Alexandra Pop

A Door towards Culture

My English classes during the second semester were a bit different from what I was used to. I admit, at first I was skeptical, but in the end I realized that it was all for the best.

I remember the first time when our teacher showed us a movie about poetry. I was so impressed about what I had just seen, about the way poetry had been presented us. I could even live the lyrics that were written on the screen. It was simply wonderful!

Than there were other movies, one more interesting than the other. During those classes I learnt so much about science, literature, history, things that I would probably haven’t learnt otherwise.

The most exciting movie than I saw was ’’Hamlet’’. A story about a son trying to revenge his father’s death, a father that was the king of Denmark and who was  murdered by his own brother. Finally his death was revenged but with the cost of  Hamlet’s. I was deeply touched by this tragedy that  made me appreciate more than ever Shakespeare.

So, all I can say is that these classes have been for me a door towards culture and I feel sad that very soon they are going to be over.

Monday, June 13, 2011

A Door Towards Culture - Alexandra Pop

My English classes during the second semester were a bit different from what I was used to. I admit, at first I was skeptical, but in the end I realized that it was all for the best.

I remember the first time when our teacher showed us a movie about poetry. I was so impressed about what I had just seen, about the way poetry was presented to us. I could even live the lyrics that were written on the screen. It was simply wonderful!

Than there were other movies, one more interesting than the other. During those classes I learnt so much about science, literature, history, things that I would probably haven’t learnt otherwise.

The most exciting movie than I saw was ’’Hamlet’’. A story about a son trying to revenge his father’s death, a father that was the king of England and who was murdered by his own brother. Finally his death was revenged but with the cost of Hamlet’s. I was deeply touched by this tragedy that has made me appreciate more than ever Shakespeare.

So, all I can say is that these classes have been for me a door towards culture and I feel sad that very soon they are going to be over.

Ema Jentea

      Vizionarea filmelor in timpul orelor de engleza mi  se pare un lucru bun. Nu numai ca ne ajuta sa ne exersam pronuntia in limba engleza ci si sa ne imbogatim vocabularul.
      Dupa ce am vizionat productiile dupa  Shakespeare, am inceput sa privesc viata cu alti ochii sa ma simnt mai inteligenta. Aceste filme nu am fi avut ocazia sa le vizionam acasa sau la cinema, pentru ca in ziua de astazi cinematograful este inundat de filmele de generatia noastra.
       Urmarind filme in limba engleza ne vom imbogati in continuare vocabularul.

                                                                                     Ema Jentea

Friday, June 10, 2011

Shakespeare's Plays, Roxana Tiplea

Watching  movies during our English classes is  not only a simple listening exercise. It helps us  enrich our vocabulary and enlarge  our knowledge.
After watching Zefirelli's productions on Shakespeare I feel smarter because I know that I wouldn’t have watched them at home or at the cinema, so we should thank you that you've helped us be more “enlightened”.
What I liked most is the fact they are very different from other ordinary films. These movies put us on thoughts, and helped us develop our mentality and think more maturely, which is very important for us in this period because now we move from adolescence to maturity and this implies a more mature thinking. Through these films I think we have gained it.
 It also seems a good idea that young people watch this kind of movies during their classes and I wish that the other teachers do it in the future because only this way we can surpass  mediocrity.
This kind of films will succeed to turn   our teenagers ( who waste their time on computers, chatting) into smart teenagers who  will become an important pillar for our country.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Peace Corps Volunteers

It was on a regular Tuesday when we went to the library for a warm introduction in the world of volunteering. Two Peace Corps volunteers greeted us  nicely and offered to play with us a very interesting game about the American culture, geography , politics and people. It was a new experience and all of us had a great time.
The two volunteers , besides de game , presented us the wonderful world of volunteering and its enormous benefits for us. When they finished the presentation they gave us a piece of paper on which we wrote a thing that Americans should know about Romanians. I find this gesture quite polite.
Near to the end of the meeting an English teacher from Rozavlea  presented the benefits of volunteering  in our country so as to be accessible for all of us and to make us more open to such kind of activities.
After leaving the library , on my way home, I really understood the meaning of this concept of helping the others without being paid, and I was stunned that in only one meeting my vision towards life changed dramatically. Now I am more open to all activities organized for us.
I am eager on doing all sorts of other wonderful activities with my classmates and my teachers.

Oanta Crista
9th C